Fee Philosophy

The initial consultation provided to you will be free of charge. This helps us to understand your financial objectives and will confirm how we can support you in working towards these. We will also discuss the cost and levels of our services both initially and throughout our relationship with you.

We charge our services by way of a fee. These fees are based on a percentage of the assets under our advisory. You pay us a fee based on your portfolio size and we earn no other fees, commissions or kickbacks. We do well only when your portfolio does well.

For our “Second Look” offering, we charge a one time lump sum fee depending on the complexity and the size of the portfolio and is typically subject to a maximum limit.

All fees or charges are disclosed and agreed in advance of undertaking any work.

Apricus Wealth Investment Managers LLP
Type of Registration: Non-Individual
Registration number: INA000017657 (Validity: Perpetual)

Complete address with telephone no:
Apricus Wealth Investment Managers LLP
F3/16 Model Town-2
Delhi 110009
+91-98103 02008

Contact details of the Principal Officer:
Name: Vikrant Gupta
Contact number - +91-98103 02008
Email id - vikrant@apricuswealth.in

Corresponding SEBI regional/local office address:
Securities and Exchange Board of India
The Regional Director
5th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building
16, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001

Get in touch

If you have any questions, would like to know more about us, or if you would like to book an appointment, please enter your details and we’ll be in touch to discuss your needs.

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